
Fortunately in life it is never too late to embark on a new journey. Never too late to embrace a sustainable living and become a conscious and virtuous consumer. And why not actually turn yourself into a sustainability advocate who shows the right way, raises awareness for such a good cause and inspires other human beings to follow in your footsteps. The truth is that making a difference in one's small way is not as difficult as it seems to be. Indeed one has just to be willing to do one's best on a daily basis and gradually change bad life habits and refuse to go on being a typical and serial fast-paced consumer. Simply by starting to reduce, reuse and recycle with the purpose of breaking a vicious and dangerous circle and instead, by contributing to building a virtuous new one. Kyiv-born-and-raised multigraduated and multilingual- (she speaks Ukrainian, English, Italian, German and French)- skilled international top manager Kateryna Burianova has made this big and positive life-changing decision a few years ago. Finding thus her truth mindful path. In 2019, as she was attending a 'master in luxury management' at the prestigious Milan-based SDA Bocconi, in occasion of a lesson that mentioned the tragic collapse of the Bangladesh world's largest garments factory Rana Plaza which happened in 2013, Kateryna suddenly and brutally realized for the first time, this less rosy and unbearable reality that stands behind the scenes. An unsustainable, unethical and inhumane production outsourced in the Third world which has to be condemned and stopped as soon as possible. As a consumer, but firstable as a human being who cares, she immediately felt that she had to do something and act, the sooner, the better. Following her life motto 'Never give up' and constantly fueling her ever-lasting passion for learning, in 2020, in her freetime, she slowly started to advocate for sustainability and human rights. Studying, meeting insiders, attending events, researching and volunteering as ambassador with the nonprofit Remake. But also, raising her own voice and spreading awareness as the founder and curator of a personal blog. A digital and editorial platform she uses to share her own experience, eco-friendly tips and useful information with her community. From the Ukrainian busy top manager always on the move she used to be for a long time, in the Italian metropolis of Milan, where she decided to put roots, adopted her beloved dog Mia and met her Italian husband Claudio, Kateryna has turned herself into a very committed and proud environmental activist and female role model. A music and art lover, passionate, strong, resilient and generous- she raised funds for Ukrainian refugees who flew the country at the beginning of the Russian invasion- woman who has been playing the piano- her forever therapy and source of meditation- every day, since the age of six and dreamt of becoming a lyric singer when she was a kid. Big supporter of Slow fashion, Kateryna has organically chosen to use, support and promote slow, eco-conscious and clean beauty. Chasing for years- often with difficulties- sustainable (ideally with plastic-free packaging), natural and clean skincare products for her personal beauty routine, she quickly came up with the idea of launching an innovative commercial niche platform where one can find an accurate eco-responsible selection. TERRRA- Italian word for Mother Earth and ground with 3 R for Routine, Reflect and Reduce- was indeed born and established in 2022 and officially launched in July 2023, to fulfill her needs and the ones of virtuous and committed-to-the-environment consumers like her. Customers who want to reduce their environmental impact, buying less, buying better and in a responsible way. Business women and men who travel, go to the gym and need at their disposal practical, high-quality and eco-friendly products to carry and use. Tested by Kateryna herself first, most of the products of skincare, pets or home are zero-waste Plastic-free eco-friendly premium solid cosmetics (shampoo, soap, moisturizer...). To make a real difference, the program 'Recycle with TERRRA' offers the consumers the opportunity to send back, for free, 5 products' packaging in glass, plastic or aluminium to the brand. The latter will indeed directly undertake them to be recycled. Accepting any compromise on the quality, which is absolutely premium, Kateryna has made the strategic choice to market the range of products at a fair price in order that the greatest number can afford to experience this positive and inspirational change. The new founder and ecopreneur- born and raised in a business-owned industrial family- is now fully dedicated to growing the business and making TERRRA a benchmark on the market and a true change-maker. Supported, day after day, by her husband, who works in finance and strongly believes in this sustainable revolution in progress. Additionally to expanding the commercial offer and finding new brands to collaborate with, a range of TERRRA's products is currently under consideration, as well as, the opening of a potential physical store. TERRRA is more than a shop-on-line, the latter has to be considered as a trailblazer of sustainable living. A challenging journey she put all her energy and passion in. Kateryna is also planning to join forces with some non-profit organizations involved in the field of sustainability and human rights to donate part of the proceeds and help to preserve our beloved Mother Earth and people in need. As well as going on supporting financially her beloved homecountry by donating to virtuous Ukrainian establishments as Modern rehabilitation Superhumans Center which is providing prosthetics to Ukrainian civilians (children and adults) and soldiers injured by the Russian bombs.
All the pictures are Courtesy of TERRRA
