#MCCOTVoices {5}

Emma Sanchez Andrade Smith



Natural Living in Copenhagen: A Family’s Journey Toward Simplicity and Sustainability

By Emma

Moving to Copenhagen was a deliberate choice for our family. We were drawn to its commitment to sustainability, innovative design, and natural living — all of which align with our values. As we settled in, we quickly realized how deeply embedded these principles are in everyday life. From the way the city is designed to how families approach parenting, Copenhagen feels like the ideal place to raise our children while staying true to our commitment to living naturally and simply.

### 1. **Walkability and Cargo Bikes: A City Designed for People, Not Cars**

Copenhagen is renowned for being one of the most walkable and bike-friendly cities in the world. Our family lives right on the harbor, where the pedestrian-friendly waterfront is a daily reminder of the city's thoughtful urban planning. Here, the need for cars is almost non-existent. With over 390 kilometers of dedicated bike lanes, more than 50% of Copenhageners commute by bike — and we are among them. Our cargo bike has become indispensable. It’s where I take my son to school, the market, and on afternoon trips to the local park. The city is designed to prioritize people and bikes over cars, which means fewer emissions, less noise, and a safer, more peaceful atmosphere. Cycling through the city’s green spaces and pedestrian zones, we feel deeply connected to our surroundings, and there’s a sense of calm that comes with avoiding the congestion and stress of driving.

### 2. **Forest Schools: Learning from Nature, Not Just About It**

One of the most extraordinary aspects of raising children in Denmark is the forest school system, and Selah attends one. Forest schools are rooted in the belief that nature is the best teacher. Every day, my son spends hours outside, regardless of the weather, exploring, playing, and learning in nature. These schools emphasize outdoor education, allowing children to develop problem-solving skills, creativity, and physical resilience. In the U.S., we were used to indoor-centric schooling, where the outdoors was seen as a recess break. Here, nature is integrated into the curriculum.

It’s been fascinating to watch how our son has adapted to this environment. He’s become more confident, independent, and curious. Forest schools teach children to respect the natural world, fostering a relationship with nature that is both playful and educational. It’s a system that perfectly reflects Copenhagen’s broader commitment to sustainability and natural living.

### 3. **Harbor Living, Cold Plunges, and the Sauna: Embracing the Elements**

Living on the harbor has introduced us to a new kind of relationship with water and the elements. Cold plunging is a big part of Danish culture, especially here by the water. There’s a deep respect for the health benefits of cold-water immersion, which boosts circulation, strengthens the immune system, and sharpens the mind. Nearly every morning, my husband and I take a cold plunge in the harbor, sometimes followed by time in the sauna, another Danish tradition.

This daily ritual not only connects us to the natural rhythm of the seasons but also fosters a sense of resilience and calm. We’ve embraced the colder Scandinavian climate in ways we never imagined, finding that the cold plunge and sauna combination invigorates us and helps us manage the stresses of everyday life. It’s another way that Copenhagen has helped us live in harmony with nature — not fighting the weather, but embracing it.

### 4. **Sustainable Urban Design: A City Built for a Greener Future**

Copenhagen is often cited as one of the most sustainable cities in the world, and for good reason. The city is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2025, and we can feel the effects of that commitment everywhere. From green roofs and rainwater harvesting systems to the clean energy that powers our home, sustainability is built into the fabric of the city.

We live in a part of Copenhagen where urban farms, solar panels, and wind turbines are commonplace. Waste management is incredibly efficient, with the city’s waste-to-energy plant, Copenhill, not only converting waste into energy but also doubling as a recreational space where residents can ski down the artificial slope or hike up its trails. It’s a striking example of how sustainable design can be functional and enjoyable.

This kind of forward-thinking urban planning has made it easy for us to live in alignment with our values. We compost, recycle diligently, and use renewable energy without ever having to think twice about it — it’s just part of the system here.

### 5. **Natural Parenting in Copenhagen: Fostering Independence and Resilience**

Parenting in Denmark has introduced us to an entirely new approach. Here, children are encouraged to be independent from a young age. The Danish concept of *friluftsliv* — a life lived outdoors — is a guiding principle for many families. Whether it’s allowing children to walk or bike to school on their own, teaching them to climb trees and navigate playgrounds without constant supervision, or fostering self-reliance through hands-on learning, the focus is on nurturing independence.

For us, this means letting our kids explore the world around them with minimal intervention. Our son and daughter spend hours at the playgrounds and forests, often without structured activities, simply playing and learning through their experiences. It’s a stark contrast to the more protective, indoor-oriented parenting we were used to in the U.S., and it’s been a welcome change.

We’ve also embraced the simplicity of minimalism in our parenting. Living with just a few well-chosen, natural toys encourages creative play. Our home, like much of Copenhagen, is designed with simplicity and sustainability in mind — natural fibers, open spaces, and a focus on quality over quantity. This intentional way of living creates a calm, peaceful environment where our children can grow without the pressures of consumerism or overstimulation.

### 6. **Natural Birth: Trusting the Body’s Wisdom**

Perhaps one of the most profound experiences I’ve had in Denmark was the birth of our youngest child. Danish healthcare is deeply rooted in trusting the body’s natural processes, and my experience giving birth here reflected that. With the support of midwives and natural pain-relief methods like water therapy and acupressure, I was able to have a natural, intervention-free birth.

This holistic approach is emblematic of Denmark’s overall attitude toward health and well-being. There’s a strong belief in letting the body do what it’s designed to do, with minimal interference, and it’s a philosophy that permeates everything from childbirth to daily wellness practices like cold plunges and sauna sessions.


Copenhagen’s blend of sustainable design, natural living, and progressive approaches to parenting has transformed how we live. We’ve found that by simplifying our lives, embracing the elements, and trusting in nature, we’ve been able to create a home that feels peaceful, intentional, and aligned with our values. The natural world is not something separate from our daily lives — it is woven into everything we do. And that’s what makes this city so special.

All the pictures are Courtesy of Mrs Emma Sanchez Andrade Smith




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