#MCCOTInterview {43}

Daphne Palmitessa, the Florence-based visual storytelling, content creator and lifestyle blogger who celebrates the world's harmony and beauty

Storytelling is an Art. And Daphne Palmitessa is a true Artist. A visual one. Founder and curator of a popular and niche lifestyle blog and talented content creator for more than a decade, the Umbria-born and Florence-based mum of two and skilled PR and marketing specialist has become the perfect entertainer for her virtual community. Sharing her travel experiences, her beloved outfits, her arty and literary crushes. Always with style and with a one-of-kind aesthetic and creative eye. Introducing her followers her special personal world. Celebrating slow fashion, tourism and food. Collaborating on special projects with brands which share her ethical and professional values. Connecting with other beautiful human beings and talented creatives such as Susanna Moretti, the Rome-based fashion designer, founder and creative director of eco-conscious luxury Ready-to-Wear '100 % 'Made in Italy' SANFASÓN. A Maison that she has been a proud brand ambassador of for three years now. Let's meet an inspirational woman who knows exactly how to communicate and express the beauty that daily surrounds us. A genuine woman who uses her platform and social media in the best way ever, keeping her privacy safe. Capturing the essence of beauty in every little thing, detail, or moment. Showing us how our life can be exciting and emotional. Daphne is definitely bringing some positive energy and slow vibes in this dark time we are going through. 
By Hélène Battaglia

Who are you?
Hi my name is Daphne. Nice to meet you.

Which background brought you to become a successful blogger and content creator?
I studied communication and marketing and specialized in media and public relations. Writing and planning events had always been big parts of my life, both in terms of studies and work. Over the years, social media has arrived and organically, I have started to put my precious skills into it.

When did you first approach the social media and how did you learn to turn it into your daily job?
I started my blog over ten years ago after the birth of my son. As a new mom at that time, I was focused on the issue of motherhood but over time, my blog has turned itself into a true lifestyle blog that I use to share my personal experiences about travels, fashion, books and Art. Social media and, especially Instagram, had been an organic new and essential tool to use. Since a few years, the latter has become my core business.

Do you consider yourself a fashion blogger, a travel blogger, or a visual storyteller with a focus on fashion and travel?
I would say that I'm a storyteller with a focus on travel (I mean the places that I have the opportunity to visit and the ones which inspire and touch me) and fashion as a way to express my personality through the outfits I wear. I love the idea that, through the pictures I capture and the words I write, I can share the vision of the world that I see it and how emotional it makes me feel. 

How would you describe your visual style and brand identity?
At the center of everything: there are indeed always 'the little things', the details, the most beautiful moments. All inspiration for my pictures, my way of introducing the places I visit and the outfits I wear.

How do you choose the fashion or real estate brands you work with?
They absolutely must be garments, experiences and places that fit perfectly with my own style and my personal way of life.
Is supporting slow fashion and slow tourism a priority of yours?
Definitely, I love handcrafted and upcycled - using waste materials- items, produced in small batches as capsule collections. I'm fully convinced that Slow fashion is offering a new opportunity to the world. I love one-of-kind outfits that are able to make people stand out from the crowd. When it comes to travelling and choosing new locations to discover, I feel the same. In the last past years, I've had the opportunity to stay at luxury hotels but always with a special attention and an eco-conscious approach and eye. To me, it is a true life philosophy.

When did you discover SANFASON, the luxury eco-conscious Roma-based Maison founded by Fashion designer Susanna Moretti?
Regarding SANFASÓN, it was love at first sight three years ago. I must admit that with Susanna, the founder and creative director, a real affinity was immediately born.

What made you decide to become its brand ambassador?
We are slowly building a strong relationship. It all happened in a healthy and engaging way for both of us. As I already said before the affinity between us two has naturally brought the idea of me becoming a brand ambassador a natural further step. 

How does your collaboration work?
Together with Susanna we usually check each collection and pick the pieces that better suit my personal style. She is a great counselor. I trust her because,  besides being a talended female entrepreneur, she is also a talented fashion designer and creative director. She has a good eye for shapes and proportions. 

Do you collaborate with a team, a photographer, and a stylist behind the scenes?
It dipends. Most of the time, I share spontaneous pictures captured during a special experience or a travel, with no particular set up needed.  Sometimes I post shots of me made taken by friends or collegues of mine.

In addition to the pictures capturing you posing, your visual contents are always celebrating the beauty of urban architecture and the one of Nature. Are they two passions of yours?
You are right. They both are two strong passions of mine. I'm a big lover of life in the city, its architecture and its museums. The latter, even chaotic, stimulates me. On the other hand, I truly love spending quality time by the sea or in the countryside, surrounded by nature, to meditate, write and plan. And of course, rest my mind. 

You are lucky to live in Florence, one of the most beautiful and emblematic cities in this world. How does one feel about experience this one-of-a-kind Beauty every single day?
Florence is an inspirational city. Every single corner exudes Beauty. It is full of Art, charismatic historical shops and workshops. But sometimes under the pressure of History, I feel the deep need of visiting bigger cities as Milan or London which breath more modernity. I think that balance is necessary. 

At the contrary of most of the bloggers and insiders who choose to expose their private life and children, you share few private moments. How important it is for you to keep your privacy safe even if you are your own brand?
Absolutely. I do not like to expose my children and my family. My lifepartner has no social media at all. With them, I prefer to live the moment without filters. 

As professional models do, you work with your image. Are you never tired of standing in front of the camera. In the future, could you image yourself making a step back and standing behind?
I try to experience shootings in a very organic way...I'm not looking for the beauty or the perfection of my body (if it were even possible), I rather try to convey my style. I do not totally exclude the fact, in the future and for some time, to take a step back, even if I consider my work more as a creative one than a self-referential one. It is a job that I'm passionate about. 

What is the secret of a good visual storytelling?
It is sincerely hard for me to tell. I think that what first matters, is to have something to tell. To choose the topics that you love. The ones that also could be able to engage your community. It quickly becomes a virtuous circle. One has to observe a lot and identify inspirational contents that can catch the attention of readers. 

All the pictures S/S 2024 are Courtesy of Mrs. Daphne Palmitessa & SANFASON


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